
On the last day of my trip to O’ahu earlier this year back in spring – literally a few hours before my flight, I couldn’t leave without paying my respects at Pearl Harbor.  With the political atmosphere of today, I feel it’s important to reflect on the past. Many innocent lives were lost on December 7, 1941.  The feeling of both loss and gratitude are still felt when you go to the site today.  The guide there is also quick to remind you that it isn’t a tourist attraction but a gravesite, and it is to be respected as such.


There’s a reggae song that I love by Jamaican artist Richie Spice where he sings that “the world is a cycle”.  As I walked through the museum viewing the memorabilia, I couldn’t help but to notice that after the attack, the atmosphere back then when it came to the Japanese or individuals of Japanese decent is basically the same almost 76 years later, but now with a different war and a different group of cultures.


Another difference is that this is now the tone for anyone that isn’t the “traditional American”, whatever that means.  I’m still trying to figure it out since it could never be the implication that I think it is, being that we as a country had come so far when it came to certain principles and respect for humanity.  Now it’s like I’m living in a nightmare with how much and how fast we’re regressing.



My respects go out to the soldiers that died that day, the soldiers that fought in retaliation and the civilians who provided support, and the soldiers that are still fighting today.

They are the ones I respect since they are the ones fighting for the country, not the ones flapping their gums from the comforts of a desk, delegating with no regards for any other human life except for their own kind and fighting for nothing except for what goes into their pockets.  I don’t consider them to be American, I consider them to be pussies hiding behind the façade of a patriot.




Check out the video below and thanks for visiting MeeshMoves!

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